The Story So Far…

I ventured once upon a road, toward ‘Eternity’ was it marked;

I must have paused at least one hour before the sign remarked:

“Bound thither are you noble one?”, it pointed far ahead,

I bowed myself, ears burning, my feelings it had read.

“I am Sir, if it pleaseth; please tell me if you will,

“Where leads this road ‘Eternity’, or does it just stand still?”

Now time had all run slowly, I’m sure it even stopped;

The temperature had risen, or maybe even dropped;

My mind had turned in anguish, my heartbeat ‘gun to race,

My feet were all in motion, though I hadn’t moved one pace.

“Please tell me signpost, if you can,” I’d sweat upon my brow,

“Where leads this road ‘Eternity’? Where is it I Am Now?”

Written in 12 Galesbury Road, Wandsworth - July 1987

“The experience of Eternity right here and now is the function of life.”

Joseph Campbell from The Power of Myth